AI-led Solutions

We provide AI-led solutions to organizations which can transform their processes, optimize operations, reduce costs, and increase efficiency.

HR Bot: Background Verification Pre-processing

  • Robot-driven rule-based tasks and manually led review
  • Monitoring of Outlook and timely e-mail sharing with relevant stakeholders (for data capture)

Monitoring of shared drive for data and escalation if data not available within the stipulated time frame

  • Regular monitoring of shared drive to ensure data is available within specified time frame
  • Automated alerts and notifications to designated personnel in case of data unavailability.

KYC Researcher: Tracking of Criminal Cases, Politically Exposed Person (PEP) and Sanctions Screening RPA

  • Automated identification of target cases for identity verification, including adverse news
  • Automated processing of logical process steps, and matching / identification and downloading of information from database sites, such as World Check, LexisNexis and others
  • Automated information upload onto Anti-money Laundering (AML) workflow solutions

SocioSEERTM: Comprehensive social media tracking and analysis

  • Distilling the ‘social’ world with high-end analytics to create incisive, unique and smart business insights
  • A proprietary Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) based platform creating brand advantage by harnessing the real power of social media
  • A cloud-based solution built on scalable, open-source tech stack, leveraging advanced big data technologies and advanced text algorithms

Case Management Workflow

  • Consolidated tracking and view of all queries
  • Inbuilt controls and notifications ensuring SLA compliance
  • Management information and analytical reports can be generated and published to business stakeholders